Episode 79

Episode 79

July 09, 20241 min read

Episode 79: Reset #2 - How are you REALLY doing?

Ladies and Gents - the time has come to really be honest with yourself. At the beginning of the year, we made our goals, resolutions and plans, right?! Well, how are you really doing with those? Are you on track? Have you kept yourself accountable? Have you done the “then some.”

In this episode, Kristina will give us some tips and tricks on resetting and realizing if what we are doing is working, or if we have to revise it. For instance, are you an “innie” or “outie” organizer? Are you operating based on your emotions instead of action? Are you behaving like the person you are trying to become?

Failing to plan is planning to fail, so tune in NOW and set yourself up for the best second half of the year possible!


Kristina’s favorite Resistance Bands: https://amzn.to/4fjYBiy

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